Associated with Pope and Ashley, he followed up his work on telegraph printers with marked success.
In trying to follow up Dr. Folkman's work on the first two angiogenesis inhibitors, some researchers have succeeded and others have not.
In his obituary Dines noted that meteorologists had not followed up Hooker's work on weather and crops.
On the recommendation of the Columbia team, the TMI Public Health Fund followed up its work with a longitudinal study.
But he had died, no one had followed up his work, and it had been forgotten.
Instead, Jahn posed this question: Do I have an obligation to follow up the student's work with more rigorous experiments?
The President's men and women have ambitious plans for following up his work here.
Erm the Board has not failed to follow up its very good work.
Now that she had practically cowed him, she would follow up her work with demands, the acknowledgment of which would make her word law in the future.
His son, Boris Vilkitsky followed up his father's work; the Vilkitsky Islands are named after him.