The other girls followed her, with the exception of the blond girl, who had held my leash.
It broadly follows the novel, with the notable exception of the ending.
They both follow the same way with the exception of verifying identity.
Highway 127 was designated in late 1955, generally following the same route as today, with the exception of the northern terminus.
The daily strip does not generally follow a weekly story arc, with the exception of family vacations.
The left and right common carotid arteries follow the same course with the exception of their origin.
Sporadic forms follow the same diagnostic criteria, with the exception of family history.
To my intense pleasure the whole house almost instantly followed my example, with the exception of one man.
The semis follow the same structure as the Prelims, with the exception of having fewer teams present.
It followed the meetinghouse plan, with the exception of the corner tower.