A follow-up inspection happened in October 2011 and the school has made a slight improvement.
The bridge was scheduled for a follow-up inspection when it collapsed, he said.
Minot passed the follow-up inspection on August 15, 2008.
A follow-up inspection in June 2012 found that progress since then had been satisfactory.
On a follow-up inspection in October there were no critical deficiencies and 11 general ones.
There may be a follow-up inspection to ensure that this has happened.
In follow-up inspections last year, the state repeatedly pointed out these and other problems, documents show.
He hopes to return to Berry Hill for follow-up inspections.
However, the bakery remained open, and no follow-up inspection was recorded by the department.
State inspectors will be back on campus next week for a follow-up inspection to ensure that the college has corrected the violations.