But following a conversation with the coaching staff, Howard has been quiet.
Following a conversation during this party, she conceived the idea of mapping London.
Do you have difficulty following conversations in loud, crowded places?
Atcherson used hearing aids, but still had trouble following conversations.
The story is told by a linnet to a water-rat following a conversation about what it means to be a devoted friend.
But following conversations with Scotland Yard - who defended its approach as "common sense"
An X-ray photograph of a person, given after a single night of intimacy, following a remarkably physiological conversation.
For example, they often have difficulty following a conversation as they cannot distinguish which parts are important and are easily distracted by other sounds.
Despite the lack of evidence, he becomes certain Raskolnikov is the murderer following several conversations with him, but gives him the chance to confess voluntarily.
According to a 2010 interview, Noé came up with the idea of the butcher character following a conversation he had with his father as a teenager.