Following a governmental decree of July 1, 1986 Sayabec had to close its municipal opencast dump, which opened in 1951.
The monthly minimum income was almost doubled to 600 roubles from May 1, following a presidential decree of April 25 raising wages and regulating prices.
Following a decree from 1943, foreign members of the Waffen-SS automatically received German nationality.
Abuja formally became Nigeria's federal capital on Dec. 12, following a decree by Babangida.
During the French Revolution, the commune changed its name to La Chapelle-aux-Prés following a decree from the National Convention.
The construction itself was started on March 15, 1982 following a decree by the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union.
University of Brawijaya transformed into a state university on January 5, 1963, following a presidential decree issued earlier in the same year.
July 14 - Following a presidential decree, Russia withdraws from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.
On October 26, 1939, following a decree of Hans Frank, Kennkarten were announced.
On August 18, 1996, following a decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, the Zavidovo state complex was given the status of a presidential residence.