Following a restless night of bizarre dreams, Holtzman finally came up with a concept to explore.
It was, he once told Connavar, like seeing the sun dawn following a night of fear and trembling.
Following a night of consuming much alcohol he finds a homeless and parentless young boy.
He was asleep, following a long night with his sister Judy giving birth to her second child.
It's been a long day following a difficult night.
The game was played on a slippery white clay field at Armory Park following a night of rain.
He had been missing for over two weeks since getting off a bus near the bridge following a night of drinking with friends in Aspen.
Following a night full of tension, several Housemates engaged in a playful food fight.
Following a night of being hit on by a clearly intoxicated dude at a friend's party, her future husband swept in to save the day.
The assault was preceded by a hurricane bombardment lasting five minutes, following a relatively quiet night.