In 1998, Hollingsworth hit the headlines following an affair with radio personality Harriet Scott.
Ralis had exiled himself to this desolate place following an affair with a young senator, whose wife had subsequently committed suicide.
After the demise of the first stage of her film career, Fuller apparently suffered a nervous breakdown following a failed affair with a married opera singer.
Around the same time, her parents Robert and Susan separated after 22 years of marriage following an affair between Robert and another woman.
But her ease and independence have come to a quick end following a disastrous affair with the married Don Richardson.
He was married to television presenter Esther Rantzen in 1977 following an eight-year affair with her.
He feels since he attacked the press there has been greater scrutiny on his fathering a child following an affair.
She left her husband in 2011 following an affair.
Ferry and Helmore split in the early 2000s following an affair she had, and they divorced in 2003.
She also gave birth to a daughter following an affair she had with a married man, but was forced by her mother to give up the baby for adoption.