However, sometimes men also develop itching and redness following sexual contact.
However, most of the asana were invented in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, following contact with European exercise systems.
The latter consists of just five individuals following violent contact with white settlers in the last few decades.
The first part of the act makes it an offence to "meet a child following certain preliminary contact".
He overcame a flat tire early, following contact with Mike Blose.
Forrest knew that the ambassador had spent a great deal of time on Earth in the decades following first contact.
The examiner was persuaded to moderate her criticism following contact from a member of the University's staff.
It is generally acquired following contact with anthrax-infected animals or anthrax-contaminated animal products.
A package of compromise amendments has been tabled, following close contact between the various institutions.
A package of compromise amendments was put together following close contact between the institutions.