Kaelin received considerable media attention following his testimony after the trial.
Following Hollingworth's testimony at the trial, and the favourable media coverage that accompanied it, he received an incredible number of requests for further applied work.
"No." As the word left his lips the cop suddenly realized why his partner had not come out of the courtroom following his testimony.
Following the priest's testimony the trial returned to an examination of the documentary evidence.
Following Valachi's testimony, the mob was no longer invisible to the public.
Following Valachi's testimony, the Mafia could no longer operate completely in the shadows.
Following his testimony, Pourandarjani was arrested by the police.
Leveson says he is very aware of this following Max Mosley's testimony last year.
Gregg's claim fell apart also, following the meteorologist's testimony.
Following your testimony, the hearing will be recessed briefly and you will be escorted out of the room.