Following opposition to the elevated option, it was decided to build I-280 on a depressed alignment through the area.
In December 2011, a state of emergency was declared following popular opposition to some major mining project and environmental concerns.
The proposal was abandoned following opposition from both Grumman and local residents.
It was expected to cost around £10 million; however, following opposition from local politicians and a shortage of funding, the project was never started.
The bill was shelved following massive opposition from the public.
Following opposition from some scientists, farmers and environmental groups a moratorium was imposed on its release in February 2010.
In 2009, following local opposition, the scheme was dropped and the traffic congestion eased by works to a different road location.
That plan was called off following opposition by local residents.
About a third of local law societies started similar schemes but many gave up following opposition from doctors.
But following stiff opposition from the local people, Kuttipuram was dropped.