Following the passage of the 21st Amendment, party activity declined.
Following the passage of Proposition 8, mass protests took place across the state.
Following the passage of the law, women were able to vote and run for office for their first time in June 2006.
Following the successful passage of a $48.5 million bond referendum in 1997, construction on the school began.
Following the frontal passage, mostly clear skies can be expected for 3 or 4 days.
Following the passage of the Woolf motion, the government took the offensive.
However, following the passage of a special law against prostitution in 2004, many of these were forced to close.
The low turned to the west, and following the passage of the trough a ridge became established over Nicole.
The year following the passage of the law did see a plebeian stand for consul.
Following passage of the abolition legislation, the society formally ended in 1833.