Following the switch, he didn't allow a walk for the remainder of the game.
In Egypt the feddan is the only non-metric unit which remained in use following the switch to the metric system.
However, Channel 5 bosses would have feared a larger drop in audiences following the switch in channels.
Following the switch from country, the station carried the True Oldies Channel.
During one episode following the switch to color, James was doing a live commercial for Peter Pan peanut butter.
The league's format has changed once again this season, following the switch from a two-group format to a traditional league last season.
In the first five races following the switch, Harvick finished with an average of 25.4, finishing 34th, 11th, 41st, 17th, and 24th respectively.
Following the switch to cable-only service, the station turned in its license to the FCC for cancellation.
The first issue following the switch was a collaboration with Oomph!
In its first ratings period following the switch, KPOJ went from the bottom to being one of the market's top-rated stations.