To begin with the quality of the font designs can have a substantial effect; not all versions of Times look as good as they ought to.
For the first time, Hamasaki undertook the artwork of the font design herself.
Preissig's work with book design and font design originated from a need for better printing type in the Czech language.
Serif Style: it describes the appearance of the serifs used in a font design and groups them into one of 14 general categories.
This renders beautiful curves, captures small details, and preserves the nuances of the original font design.
There have been slight variations on the font design since then.
Luxi are similar to Lucida - their previous font design.
However Unicode considers the difference to be only a matter of font design, and does not have a separate code for the two-stroked version.
Based on original font design, the alterations made to accommodate hot metal and phototypesetting machines were discarded.
Adobe and others continue to use multiple master technology in font design.