They were like coarse brown bread compared to angel food cake.
This - and not having fat - causes angel food cake to have a very light texture and taste.
But unlike the fine devil's food cake in the book, they could have been more chocolatey.
Beyond some prepackaged food cakes and canteens, we had nothing else.
And with all the showmanship in the kitchen, wouldn't you expect more from a devil's food cake than two sedate little diamonds?
He made his way shakily outside the tent, seeing that it was nearly dark, and found some food cakes and beer.
Far less interesting was a commercial-tasting, two-layered devil's food cake.
Devil's food cake is usually thought of in terms of dark chocolate, but originally it was red.
She fumed, but brought in a devil's food cake with thick, vanilla icing on it.
But the illustrations are definitely the icing on this devil's food cake of a book.