Cholesterol is found in foods derived from animal products, like meat, cheese, poultry, or fish.
All foods derived from plants are free of cholesterol, but some, like whipped topping, may contain large amounts of cholesterol-raising saturated fats.
Fat supplement is a medical food derived from fatty acids and safflower oil, a polyunsaturated fat source.
R. oligosporus is used to make tempeh, a fermented food derived from soybeans.
Dietary fiber, dietary fibre, or sometimes roughage and ruffage is the indigestible portion of food derived from plants.
The core of the cuisine consists of food derived from natural sources, whereas food of animal origin was more peripheral in nature.
Vegans will not eat dairy products, eggs or any other food derived from animals.
This vitamin is found only in foods derived from animals and some fortified foods, including meats, eggs, and milk products.
If consumers wish to purchase food derived from animals which were not fed on GM feed, then they can do so via the organic route.
Consumers must be informed of the origin of food derived from cloned animals and their offspring.