France is the leading food exporter in Europe, but its farmers receive generous Government support.
Today, its population is 1.3 billion and it is a net food exporter.
Algeria used to be a net food exporter but now everybody crowds into the city and the desert is overtaking some of the best farmland.
There is plenty of food in the world, and even many countries with severe malnutrition are food exporters.
Africa, once a food exporter, has now become a food importer.
True, some very poor nations, like Guyana, are food exporters.
"We are traditionally a food exporter, so nobody is going to starve," he said in an interview.
It has been decades since the sprawling Sverdlovsk region, once a food exporter, raised enough to feed itself.
Before 1991, Turkish construction companies vied for contracts in Iraq, and food exporters did good business there.
"Can we negotiate agreements with the other food exporters?"