But, I couldn't bear the thought of you running off into danger on some mission or some foolish adventure and getting killed.
"As You go about your perilous and foolish adventures, XPMan," Bobby said, "here's something to keep in mind."
It is they who caused us to embark on the foolish adventure in Russia that threatens to bring ruin to us all.
The various foolish adventures undertaken by their treacherous leaders had left him with only a token force from Clan Skryre and Clan Pestilens.
But if you go through with this foolish adventure that you have undertaken at the behest of others, your future will be set.
I think mis is a great, if foolish, adventure.
She considers the hunt for Mr. Bin Laden a foolish adventure and, although she does not say so outright, seems to regard his criticisms of American foreign policy as quite sensible.
But then I remembered something, and I said: "I once had a foolish adventure.
There is no magic number of deaths at which the U.S. must embark on a self-defeating and foolish adventure.
From the moment this uprising began, I, and others, argued that it was a reckless, pointless, foolish adventure.