Some foolish gesture, a wave of a loose hand through her hair, and I could be minus one more family member.
"Women are too sane and practical to make such foolish gestures; but men, y' know, have an illim'table capacity for idiocy."
"You know that's a useless, almost a foolish gesture, a complete waste of energy and tune?"
Jareth knew that if it came to this, it would be a foolish gesture; he would die in the attempt.
"Why has Ix repeated this foolish gesture?"
A foolish gesture, she knew, but she needed to impress him.
It was only a foolish gesture, a sign of the Shadow's vanity.
Simon Thibault would never die in a foolish gesture for Edith.
It was a grand and foolish gesture, showing off all his swordsmanship; he would know, none better, that Richard would simply wait him out.
"If I may say, that was a foolish gesture," Amoros said from the side of his mouth.