At a river-front inn, he withdrew to a corner and read the foolscap pages again and again.
Mayer bent and reached into his pack once more, this time pulling out a sheaf of foolscap pages furled into a roll and tied with ribbon.
These issues often had a home printed "Supplement" of letters, detailed fan club surveys, or other items (usually 4, sometimes 6 foolscap pages).
The entire narration, recorded in 1,200 foolscap pages, runs nearly 15,000 verse lines.
Mr Yarrow made a purposeful face and turned foolscap pages before him.
Then, having deposited the folder of foolscap pages on Whitaker's desk, the Head of Serials made as rapid a departure as he had made an entrance.
Jot down a foolscap page of items for me.
Vaubois ran his eye down a foolscap page and turned it over.
But here it is, all five foolscap pages, and it makes quite interesting reading.
On examination the bundle was found to contain 205 foolscap pages, all written by one hand, in a careful and usually legible script.