A foot chase was shot in the streets and alleyways of the historic medina quarter.
As the result, the four detectives almost miss the suspect, and have to engage him in a foot chase to arrest him.
In the final scene, he robs a betting shop and is involved in a foot chase with two police officers.
After a foot chase, Peter pressures Max into helping him get the emergency money back.
A brief foot chase occurs, stranding him on level six.
It's pretty much a foot chase on steroids - flipping over, under and around obstacles is the name of the game.
He was captured a few blocks away after a foot chase.
After a foot chase of about 150 yards, Klima was caught and taken into custody.
One of those scenes shows a policeman chasing someone only to zoom out to show a foot chase.
After a brief foot chase, Ritchie gets away and the police leave.