My feet rustled through shred of plastic in the grass.
The musical notes seemed to hover in the sun-laden air, and feet rustled and chairs scraped as everyone else was seated.
Twyla was so completely engrossed in the magic of the moment that I'm sure she didn't even know when their feet no longer rustled in the fallen leaves.
-Her feet still rustled through the dead leaves, even though they were now dampened.
His bare feet and legs rustled through the grain stalks.
Joseph's moccasined feet rustled leaves as he ran up to me, turned me over with a foot, and said, "Ugh.
The leaves still blew from the branches of the eucalyptus trees around the house, and our feet rustled through them like the feet of ghosts walking through a dried-up memory.
This was further confirmed as his feet rustled through dry leaves.
Sandman Sims, always a deserved audience favorite at tap festivals, once again performed on a board covered with sand, making his feet rustle, whisper and scrape in a host of subtle ways.
Their departing feet scarcely rustled.