The foot-and-mouth virus is perhaps the most contagious and virulent in nature, which is why the biological warfare people have always been fascinated by it.
An outbreak or intentional release of foot-and-mouth virus could devastate the country's $45 billion livestock industry.
Terrorists looking for foot-and-mouth virus would have less trouble obtaining it in agricultural areas of Britain, Europe and South America where outbreaks have occurred.
But in Washington, officials are drawing up detailed plans of what they will do if - some say when - the foot-and-mouth virus arrives in this country.
The laboratory is currently a Biosafety Level 3 facility for the study of diseases including foot-and-mouth virus, which affects only animals.
He also pointed out that federal law allowed foot-and-mouth virus only on Plum Island, a location selected because of its remoteness from domestic animal herds.
We are of the opinion that, ultimately, this will need to lead to complete eradication of the foot-and-mouth virus throughout Europe.
Why, in the same country, have we had the foot-and-mouth virus and the prion for mad cow disease?
As you know, the foot-and-mouth virus is harmless to man but is highly infectious to all cloven-hoofed animals and results in huge financial losses.
The foot-and-mouth virus afflicts cloven-hoofed animals and generally reduces their ability to gain weight and produce milk.