Like a football cheer or a street gang or something.
So no wonder that the cheerleading squad, a fixture at Monmouth's basketball games, has a new part-time director who is preparing the squad to lead football cheers.
He is very tall, wears a long topcoat belted at the waist, and waves his arms from the elbows in what has been described as a "strange football cheer."
It sounded like a football cheer: "Busha boomba, balla wa!
Although David Sterritt of The Christian Science Monitor gave praise for the writing, he likened the storyline's simplicity to that of "the average football cheer".
He tries to cross the road and waves his arms in a manner that the magazine "Weird New Jersey" described as "a strange football cheer."
His messages are usually funny, based on football cheers and contain up-to-date information about his activities.
Gloster, the Morehouse president, says: "They came in shooting on the campus and we began to get reports about things that were going on," such as some football cheers with decidedly off-color references.
It was like some weird football cheer.
The band's music is a ska fusion, with elements of reggae, surf-rock, punk-rock and English football cheers.