Glasgow is a city of football fanatics.
Therefore additional tram lines are available for the football fanatics during every match day.
Could the Guardian a weekly 5 things we learned from Science like the ones, football fanatics like me get after every other Sky Sports Big 6 match.
The cast are huge football fanatics and follow the sport closely.
A couple of football fanatics were bent over a computer with a statistics database.
In "The African Game," a new book bankrolled by Puma, the Nigerian photographer Andrew Dosunmu documents African football fanatics, from the beaches to the bleachers.
It has theaters, concert halls, choirs, orchestras, literary and philosophical societies, brass bands, pop stars, working men's clubs, garden festivals, cricket matches and football fanatics.
Last year, the airline began a campaign, "Must be football season," that featured women as football fanatics in two of its four spots.
"People here are football fanatics; they like football all year round," said Gavin Maloof, a former owner of the Houston Rockets basketball team, who owns the Birmingham franchise.