To its credit, baseball has adopted the football huddle (at the mound) for its most important strategic decision, replacing the pitcher.
The place to me always felt as dumb as a football huddle.
But on the other side," Happer said, "there are no microphones in a football huddle.
There was a brief conference that resembled a football huddle and then guns were drawn.
The crowd of swaying arms, legs and hips was so tight that it looked like a football huddle with a highly developed sense of rhythm.
He saw it all, even a young woman signing to her dog right there on the campus that invented the football huddle.
He motioned them into a football huddle.
Excitable and talkative, he is nonetheless commanding in a football huddle.
It's the football huddle, and the running back isn't supposed to challenge the very premises the quarterback is using to call the play.
His body felt as though it had spent the past four hours crushed at the bottom of a football huddle.