The active resolute spirit might enjoy himself as in a football scrimmage.
He went to his sons' football scrimmage.
Three gray-haired men with the look of financiers almost got into a football scrimmage with one another, inviting her to dance.
Sports was fat guys getting mashed in football scrimmages.
"He was like the unknown guy on defense in a football scrimmage who keeps messing up your plays," he said, with feigned irritation.
The play in rugby begins with a scrum, similar in theory to a football scrimmage.
Once there, they participate against each other in a football scrimmage, with the winner taking home a rivalry trophy and bragging rights.
He was leaving a football scrimmage when his English teacher saw him and said she did not know he played football.
As a pudgy high school freshman, he sustained an injury in a football scrimmage, ending his career.
Parents wandered about campus, dropping off upperclassmen or killing time until a football scrimmage at day's end.