Shoppers resumed shopping, and the football telecasts went on as scheduled.
Yet the risk of importing his edgy humor - which fights to find a place in a football telecast - hit a dreadful nadir Monday night during comments on the presidential election.
Cablevision announced last week that it would invest $17.5 million in Princeton Video Image Inc., which designs technology that places images like a virtual first-down marker on football telecasts.
On nearly any football telecast, you'll hear that the game will be "won in the trenches" by the venerated gladiators of the offensive and defensive lines.
Mr. Cuomo debated his adversaries on a Sunday afternoon, opposite a football telecast, and spent much of his time mocking them.
This took place because football telecasts were protected contractually from interruptions in the wake of the infamous "Heidi Bowl" incident on NBC in November 1968.
On that note, I can't Simms and Nantz during football telecasts.
The technology is used widely in sports and is a close cousin to the electronic first-down line used in football telecasts.
In addition to his successful career as a producer, Goodrich has also directed golf, auto racing and football telecasts.
Laura Quinn, 22, said she had worked behind the scenes in Fox's Los Angeles studio during professional football telecasts and hoped to get an industry job on camera after she graduated.