In 1976, she started a software company, Open Systems, then sold it several years later "for a pile of money."
So shoot for a pile between three and five cubic feet.
No hunting for a pile of dead leaves to put between his bare hide and the night winds this time!
He'd been keeping his eyes to the ground, watching out for a pile of red dust, afraid that he might walk through it.
If not, then he was in for a pile of trouble.
And I've brought you here to die for a pile of rock in a forgotten pass.
The administration is looking for a pile of cash to fulfill a political promise, and they found it in the unemployment trust fund.
"Sixty-thousand dollars for a pile of wood they'd never seen?"
That gets your confidence and you pay for a whole pile of the stuff.
He reached for a pile of papers and within seconds was immersed in them.