Autonomic dysfunction is most likely responsible for irritable bowel syndrome in many patients as well.
Taking senna by mouth might be effective for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy; however, sodium phosphate or polyethylene glycol are more effective.
However, when used for bowel cleansing, these products have the same risks as prescription OSP products.
Patients 18 and older can still use Visicol and OsmoPrep for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy or other procedures.
Comment: I take organic acacia senegal by Heather, for irritable bowel.
A generation before, the word gut - from the Old English for "bowel" - was a part of college slang as gut course, meaning "easily passed course."
Electrolyte disorders following oral sodium phosphate administration for bowel cleansing in elderly patients.
One would, I suppose, be ill advised to use this novel as a textbook for liver transplantation or bowel surgery, but it might almost be possible.
Listening for bowel sounds with a stethoscope.
Establish the patient's normal bowel pattern and habits (time of day for normal bowel movement, consistency, color, and amount).