Suicide rates vary for different ethnicity due to culture differences.
Note: In 2001 570,537, in 2011 1,455,883 people did not give answer for ethnicity.
This concern for race and ethnicity is common knowledge at 48 Hours.
In most cases, applicants are "screened" by brokers, not only for money but frequently also for religion, ethnicity and sexual preference.
Well, obviously I've got an ear for ethnicity, huh?
People were counted by language only in 1931, while they were counted for ethnicity at various points since 1969.
You should ensure that no one is discouraged or excluded from accepting a job because of, for example, their gender, ethnicity or age.
As genetic testing for ethnicity and ancestry has become more available to the public, more Americans are seeking information on their lineage.
In severe cases the repulsion may be for a whole gender, race or ethnicity.
Due to the ethnic cleansing campaigns that took place during the 1992 to 1995 war, the data for ethnicity are expected to be highly inaccurate.