There's even a section for homeopathic oils and extracts.
Utilized for fuelwoods, timber exports, and extracts, the country's wooded areas constituted a key economic resource.
Permission for extracts from The Queen's previous Christmas Messages is rarely given.
But the same presumption of safety, they added, cannot be made for extracts sold over the counter, many of which are packaged in high concentrations.
Fees for searches and extracts are also listed.
I mean, like you say, he's probably looking for false extracts with helicopters.
With agriculture rebounding, markets for spices and other extracts are bulging.
Additionally US patents have been granted for various processes for producing extracts.
Mrs. Oliver extracted a small notebook from her bag, ruffled the pages of it, searching for extracts.
Hartmann did not set complete poems by Whitman, instead opting for extracts.