Though slow by human standards, this rate is much faster than that for deep-sea pelagic sediments.
As a relative lowland, it had been a site of deposition for sediments eroded from surrounding mountain regions.
This provides a good place for smaller sediments to build up to sea level.
The sea retreated, leaving streams, lakes and swampy plains to become the resting place for sediments.
It shows a preference for sediments with a fine grain size and approximately 35% mud content.
The lake has no outlet and therefore acts as a trap for sediments that have washed into it from surrounding slopes over thousands of years.
The adjective tuffitic is used for sediments containing less than 25% volcanic fragments.
These channels are the main transport pathway for sediments to the deep sea where they form sedimentary deposits.
Management measures are specified for erosion, sediments, nutrients, pesticides, grazing, and animal waste.
Usually, the 1 psi/ft is not applicable for shallow marine sediments or massive salt.