But this represents an additional demand for 600,000 barrels of oil a day.
They manufacture about 800 barrels per day, and have a capacity for 1,000 barrels.
Thus the decision, announced on Friday, to tap the reserve for 30 million barrels.
"Just think about that; $3.3 billion for just 100,000 barrels," he said.
Even though they produce very small amounts individually, together they account for 1.3 million barrels a day.
Now you can buy the stock unit for less than 23 barrels of oil.
Consumers would, in effect, pay an extra $22 billion for just 146 million barrels - nearly $150 for each additional barrel produced.
If Shoreham were in operation today it would eliminate the need for more than 4 million barrels a year of imported oil.
It has four legs and storage capacity for 838,200 barrels of oil.
Outside of the oil industry, the unit Mbbl (megabarrel) can sometimes stand for one million barrels.