Brazilian law forbids companies from being partners and competitors in the same phone service in the same regions.
The foreign corruption law, enacted in 1977, forbids American companies from paying foreign government officials to win or influence business deals outside the United States.
Federal law forbids companies from making contributions and limits individual contributions to $1,000 for each donor.
That law forbids American companies from paying off foreign government officials to win or influence business deals outside the United States.
In 1984, he called on the provincial government to forbid companies from charging user fees for Workers Compensation Board cases.
A law forbids even unprofitable companies from laying off employees.
The sanctions forbid American companies from paying Panamanian taxes.
The F.D.A. forbids companies from advertising or promoting drugs for any but approved uses.
In the United States, regulations forbid companies that own liquor brands to own their distributors as well.
Federal law forbids companies from paying doctors to prescribe drugs or devices, but gifts and consulting arrangements are almost entirely unregulated.