Because Korean media ownership laws forbid foreigners from being majority shareholders in a media outlet, Revere, in partnership with Korean investors, founded 10 Magazine.
"Because the Chinese Government forbade foreigners from excavating, the Chinese were not exposed to these modern techniques now used internationally by archeologists."
It also repealed an 1804 provision that forbade foreigners from owning land in Haiti.
Czech law forbids foreigners, including Germans who have shown interest in the children, from adopting, she said.
In 1476, the town received confirmation of its historic rights and, in 1481, a further law forbade foreigners trading with farmers on Møn.
At issue was a policy which forbids foreigners from marching in the Morgestraich.
In July 1278 Nicholas III issued an epoch-making constitution for the government of Rome that forbade foreigners from taking civil office.
They forbid foreigners to set up religious organizations in China or cultivate disciples, the New China News Agency reported on Feb. 5.
United States law forbids foreigners from owning more than 20 percent of an American broadcast property.
China's leaders forbade foreigners from traveling to the area and rejected offers of aid from international relief agencies.