There are a lot of parents who forbid their children to read Thrasher.
People started locking doors and forbidding their children to go into town alone.
Even so, 77 percent agreed that parents should forbid their children to use drugs at any time.
During the early 20th century parents forbid their children from the area claiming supernatural occurrences.
Eight out of 10 parents forbid their children to go out after dark without an adult.
Mrs. Calinciuc says other parents forbid their children to play with her.
Yet in families, when the person with the fever was a mother or father, they could forbid their children from coming near them.
The king forbade her children to wear mourning for her.
Sixty-four percent said they had forbidden their children from seeing a specific movie, 42 percent in the last six months.
For religious reasons, the father forbade his children from visiting theatres.