Other bills defined the kinds of institutions that could provide education and forbade private instruction outside them.
On December 4 Juárez decreed laws on religious freedom, which allowed each person to be free to practice and choose their religion and forbade ceremonies outside churches.
Ukraine's election law forbids outside financing of political parties or campaigns.
He could do nothing until the Sunday, when Calvinist principles forbade any work or unnecessary activity outside the body of the church.
Human rights groups say as many as half the women who report a rape are charged with breaking the laws of zina, which forbid any sexual contact outside marriage.
It wasn't so much that the law forbade the presence of any robot on Earth outside a licensed factory of the corporation.
Conventicle Act 1664: forbade religious assemblies of more than five people outside the auspices of the Church of England.
For an entire season, the Keepers at Hali forbade any travel outside the Tower.
In 1322 Louis de Nevers forbade cloth-making outside Ieper, which inclined the citizens to join the revolt against him the following year.