Church regulations governing the behavior and activities of the clergy forbid priests from seeking or holding elected political office.
Article 10b in practice forbade priests from organizing pilgrimages, and from making claims of the miraculous.
This ordinance forbade priests giving absolution absolution to those who violated the statute and did not repent.
The archdiocese has had a "no fraternatization" policy since 1987, which forbids priests from having minors in their rooms or permitting minors to stay overnight in a rectory.
Before Huang Fu's execution, Wan-Li forbade priests from praying for the young artist, ensuring Huang would then wander forever as a ghost, lost and without direction.
The papal Brief forbade Catholic priests to celebrate mixed marriages unless the Catholic training of the children was guaranteed, while in the agreement between von Spiegel and Bunsen no such guarantee was required.
The cardinal has forbidden priests suspended for sexual abuse allegations to act as priests or wear their collars.
We absolutely forbid priests, deacons, subdeacons, and monks to have concubines or to contract marriage.