Mexican law forbade residents from creating militias, so Bradburn arrested the ringleader Patrick Jack.
There are often common social codes in some favelas which forbid residents from engaging in criminal activity inside their own favela.
They forbade residents to listen to any radio station in Croat or Slovene, at the risk of being identified as "an enemy of the state" and executed.
One even referred to Kraus as a "snitch" and suggested the co-op board should forbid residents from fictionalizing their neighbors' lives.
Gas-powered blowers first roared to prominence in southern California, where the droughts of the early 1970's prompted officials to forbid residents to hose down driveways, parking lots and other paved areas.
I. Nelson Rose, a law professor at Whittier College in California and a gambling law expert, said that about half the states forbid residents from placing bets on the Internet.
Several refugee centers were put under curfew rules that forbade residents from leaving their homes.
It was also rumored that she met in Paris with members of her family living in Israel, an illegal act in Egypt as Nasser's government forbade residents of Egypt from contacting Israelis.
The local authorities in the town, as in some other nearby communities, have forbidden residents to leave.