What they have done, however, is to force Britain - at long last - to begin the process of redefining its relationship with Europe.
The season concludes with the revelation of a plot to force Britain and Russia into war.
The act was designed to force Britain and France into respecting US neutrality by cutting off all American shipping to either nation.
By its very nature it forced Britain into measures that would have been previously unacceptable to the British establishment.
This gold bullion standard lasted until 1931 when speculative attacks on the pound forced Britain off the gold standard.
The severing of this Atlantic lifeline could force Britain out of the war.
That angered British traders who thought there was a hidden motive to force Britain into adopting the single European currency, a hot political issue here.
But senior Government officials said the action was intended to force Britain into the embarrassing position of having to consider asking Argentina to begin flights with the islands.
In an effort to force Britain into submission, the Luftwaffe concentrated its efforts on factories, ports, oil refineries and airfields.
The German leadership hoped that a barrage of rockets unleashed against London would force Britain out of the war.