In this campaign, an Armenian force of 16,000 cavalry and 30,000 infantry accompanied Crassus.
The next day, they were back again, even more of them, it seemed; and this time another force accompanied the Brothers Repentant and the angry peasants.
For the first time, foreign military forces will accompany Russia's servicemen in the famous Victory Parade in Red Square.
A small force of Vietnamese porters accompanied the combatants.
And I want a sizable force of barrels to accompany me there.
But do you seriously think a handful of adventurers, however bold, can stand against the forces accompanying us?
Third, if we are attacked, or the Landarch's forces accompanying us are attacked, we are to fight to the best of our ability.
He emphasized that American forces would not be accompanying Latin American police and military units on operations.
Smith's force accompanied Porter's flotilla up the Red River.
A token British force accompanied the Prince of Orange to the Netherlands in November 1813.