Having halted the Soviet advance, the German forces now aimed to defeat it.
How exactly the French forces aimed to protect or rescue civilians was not immediately clear.
Onslow's force was aiming for the rear of the Dutch line, to strike the fourth ship from the end.
The third force does not hope for the withering away of constraints, but aims to supersede them.
In that humanitarian efforts aim to make crises more endurable, while military force aims to resolve them, they are essentially incompatible.
Every country's armed forces or government must aim at a short war.
A force aimed in the wrong direction, but the one real power with a real means of dealing with real problems.
As a result of this decreased funding and greater reliance on high technology, the armed forces are aiming towards drafting only 10,000 conscripts a year.
American and British forces are aiming their bombs carefully to avoid harming civilians, but the war could still cause a catastrophe in Afghanistan.
After the bombardment the allied forces aimed to strike and repel the Turks.