A large force of police and soldiers assaulted a stockade set up by miners.
A force of several thousand ships assaulted the beaches in Normandy, supported by approximately 3,000 aircraft.
In the attack, Armenian forces from four different directions, including Armenia proper, assaulted and captured an area of over 1,900 square kilometers.
He estimated that "six or seven Hundred" Pequot were there when his forces assaulted the palisade.
As a result the Canadian forces assaulted a heavily defended coast line with no supportive bombardment.
The full force of the storm assaulted the berg from behind, and both of its long flanks were vulnerable to the pitiless wind.
The brute force of light assaulted his brain, and a galactic vista burst open before him.
British forces assaulted the fort on 15th January 2007.
Further negotiations, however, proved fruitless and Herod's forces assaulted the city.
The enemy is not faceless, like the forces assaulting our troops in Iraq.