But here are the regulars, so the auxiliary forces may beat a retreat.
After focusing his life towards the game in 2007, he has become a formidable force and a player to beat in serious competition around the world.
But brute force and strength won't beat a nerve tangler.
The disc, which the force of the projection had beaten down to the base, was removed, not without difficulty.
The forces that shape the universe fell upon me and beat me into their image.
If they could keep it shut tight, the Algarvian forces trapped inside would beat themselves to death trying to break out.
Powerful outside forces beat on the family ... I hate these moods, she thought, closing her eyes.
His will, force, personality, whatever it was, beat against me.
"If we are united as a people, the truth is on our side and no force on the face of the earth can beat us."
The force of the waterfall had literally beaten this crook to death.