Israeli forces have withdrawn to the outskirts of Jenin and are now blockading it, as they are most Palestinian cities.
In 1644 Cromwell's forces blockaded the river to prevent the royalist burgesses from profiting from their coal exports.
The demand was refused, an American naval force blockaded Tripoli, and a desultory war dragged on until 3 June 1805.
Russian forces blockaded the city for two weeks and pounded its outskirts with artillery and rockets.
The force blockaded Lejat, while Sharif Pasha began negotiations with the insurgents.
The Burmese forces overcame Portuguese outer defenses, and finally blockaded the port on 24 February 1613.
Later, however, French forces blockaded the harbours, forcing the government to give in and let French troops enter the city.
The French force blockaded the castle, cutting off supplies and aid from the English lands to the West.
This followed United Nations accusations that Iraqi forces were blockading dissident Shiite refugees in the marshes and shooting them.
Desmond's force then blockaded the city of Cork before withdrawing westwards into the mountains of Kerry.