Specifically, the wing was part of an Anglo-French force charged with countering submarine attacks on neutral shipping.
Already she felt full of force, charged like matter cannon.
Word of the talks could lead to further delays in the deployment of a six-nation West African force charged with halting the fighting.
The most important wing of the force charged with security planning as well as functions of intelligence-gathering and counterintelligence.
That is a top post in the force, charged with defending the Soviet Union against nuclear attack.
The British forces charged with security here did not intervene.
The troops are Indian, part of a peacekeeping force charged with disarming Tamil guerrillas.
It was the military force charged with forcing Cherokee emigration.
Others said they saw the police as an occupying force charged with making sure the ills of Clifton do not spill over into white neighborhoods.
"You are an officer of a force charged with keeping the peace," Anan said.