Lord Chelmsford, the British commander, committed the strategic error of splitting his forces to chase Zulus.
A large force of Bastarnae chased them up the mountain, but were driven back and scattered by a massive hailstorm.
In 1073, the Byzantine forces chased Bodin, defeated his army at Pauni, and imprisoned him.
Antiterrorist forces chased some of those suspects into the mountains of central Sinai, a rugged area long favored by drug dealers and smugglers.
For the next 20 months, Burmese forces chased Kenghung troops.
For five years now American forces have been chasing the Taliban in Zabul and attempting reconstruction.
Confederate forces chased Apaches into Mexico several times in 1861 and 1862.
When British forces chased the other family members from Pinangwan.
However, a French force chased his men out of the area.
But Serbian forces chased them from there as well.