Some even said that the terrorist attack had forced ordinary civilians to take on military roles, blurring the distinction Memorial Day was meant to honor.
The official said the guerrillas were forcing civilians to carry munitions and clear away bodies.
Isolating Neighborhoods The combat, which has turned the city into a series of isolated neighborhoods, has forced civilians to take extraordinary risks.
In recent weeks, the Muslims retaliated by forcing Croatian civilians to leave the town of Travnik and nearby villages.
The rebels had forced civilians into the buildings, it added.
Ninety-seven British prisoners were killed and the Germans forced French civilians to bury the bodies in a shallow mass grave the next day.
While the I.R.A. had forced civilians to deliver its bombs before, in the past the drivers were given time to escape.
Government troops today continued their tactics of forcing civilians into flight and then destroying their homes.
While the I.R.A. has forced civilians to carry bombs before to targets like police stations, this is the first time the bombs were obviously intended to kill their carriers.
Forcing civilians to live in concentration camps, use of water cure interrogation, and his scorched earth campaigns took a heavy toll on the Filipino revolutionaries.