On 23 September, Wellesley led his forces over a ford in the river Kaitna and the Battle of Assaye commenced.
American forces commence an attack on Al-Rawi's positions and the general flees.
The forward force commenced an artillery barrage on the fortress, eventually forcing its surrender after several days of bombardment.
Allied forces then commenced an invasion of Southern Europe, resulting in the Italians switching sides and deposing Mussolini.
The war turned against the Royalist factions, and on 23 April 1644 Parliamentary forces commenced the siege of York.
Leaving the Japanese in their wakes, the American force swung westward at 01:14 and soon thereafter commenced their scheduled bombardment of Vila.
On 14 August 1974, Turkish forces, massively reinforced to the strength of two infantry divisions and supporting elements, commenced a second major offensive, codenamed Attila-2.
On November 20, these forces commenced a march-manoeuvre in all parts of Montenegro.
The American forces dug in at Adak Island, and there commenced daily bombing missions over the Japanese who had taken Kiska.
In response, French forces commenced a heavy aerial bombardment of the city from sunrise the following morning, 5 October, until the early afternoon.