There Colaris's forces have dug themselves in behind heavy trenchworks.
They constituted a terrible force, a body of men dug out of the earth and determined to protect that earth.
Nevertheless, a substantial force dug themselves into a powerful hillfort.
On 1 February he was at Nukumaru and the force dug itself in 100m away from the stockade.
Ant queens don't normally work together, but these creatures combine forces to dig a nest.
American forces quickly secured a beachhead and dug in.
German forces had dug in here and in turn were heavily shelling the area around Remagen.
The seizing force had dug many trenches around the fortress.
In the mean time, the French forces dug trenches to besiege the town.
German forces then withdrew to the north toward Rome and dug in along a series of well-fortified lines.